Monday, December 26, 2011

Santa Claus AIN'T coming to town

It all started at exactly 1:00am of December 17, 2011: Typhoon SENDONG sent hundreds of residents in Cagayan de Oro City to their roofs due to the flashflood that was said to be almost 18ft high, not to mention the strong current of water + mud. Others stayed in their respective houses, while some took the risk of leaving home and challenged the flood. Like that of a typical fictional movie, there were those characters who survived; and unfortunately there were also those who didn't.

*the photos you are about to see belongs to their respective individual photographers/grabbed in the internet*

Cagayan de Oro has known to be a "Typhoon-proof " then. While other places are suffering from it, nothing happens to CDO. BUT NOW everything has changed. Sendong may just be the "One-in-ten-year" typhoon to go through Mindanao as they say, yet it had caused 1000+ lost lives and more than 60,000 families had been affected. Others lost their home, while some grieved as they bid farewell to a family member, friend, classmate, officemate or simply a kapwa Kagay-anon.

It was indeed a Christmas Calamity. Santa Claus Ain't Coming to town. Instead of Santa giving gifts, it was Sendong who came instead which left the people too much sadness in their hearts. The December atmosphere may have changed from the jolly-loud-fun Christmas into a silent-depressing Christmas. As a certain priest said this during his homily "REAL CHRISTMAS is not just the birth of Jesus Christ. Real Christmas is actually the BIRTH of JESUS CHRIST IN OUR HEARTS." We may be lost by Sendong, but Jesus Christ is still in throne and He loves us so much.

As this one tragic event struck Cagayan de Oro city, I've seen how the Bayanihan Spirit of the Filipinos kicks in! Numerous relief operations were done, locally and internationally. There were those outstanding local heroes who never thought twice of saving other people's lives during the flashflood. Private sectors responded to the needs of the victims, and the Government realized its people's worth.

Christmas is gift-giving time but some deserved to be helped more than others. My heart goes out to those victims of Sendong who lost a home, a family member, and everything. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

Cagayan de Oro city - the City of Golden Friendship is calling out all its FRIENDS from all over the world to help. #helpCDO #BangonCDO ONE CDO!!!

"Don't ever think the little things you do to help Sendong victims are insignificant. It matters." -Senator Pia Cayetano

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